Solar and wind power prediction service started in July for Ceylon Electricity Board, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka – Japan Weather Association’s first prediction service for overseas electric power sector –
Press Release
On Thursday, July 1, 2021, the Japan Weather Association (JWA) started weather forecasting and solar power and wind power generation output predicting services for the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka). The service is the JWA’s first undertaking of providing solar power and wind power generation output predicting data for the overseas power sector.
■We predict weather conditions to estimate solar power and wind power generation outputs at 8 points (5 points for Solar Power Plant and 3 points for Wind Power Plant)
This data provision service is a part of The Project for Capacity Development on the Power Sector Master Plan Implementation Program, which was jointly awarded to Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., and Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
JWA has provided weather forecasts about solar power and wind power and power generation output prediction to leading domestic electric power companies, including Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. Building on the forecasting expertise and technologies developed through the domestic forecasting services, we started to provide weather forecasting and power generation output predicting services for 8 solar power and wind power generation sites across Sri Lanka. Our weather forecasting information will be used for CEB’s daily power generation planning.
In the energy sector of ODA (Official Development Assistance), highest priorities are put on two UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)—Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all and Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Now, one month has passed since JWA started the service. We have been successfully providing reliable data. Komei Yamaguchi, Deputy General Manager of Environment and Energy Department, said,
“ODA energy sector has been aggressively introducing renewable energy technologies in more and more projects. However, they are often failed to effectively address the challenge of unreliable system operations, which are commonly encountered in those projects. One of the solutions is supply-demand balancing. Weather information may greatly contribute to predicting renewable energy outputs and provide indispensable approaches for developing countries to ensure a reliable electricity supply and the spread of renewable energy technologies. JWA’s advanced weather forecasting technologies support Japan's high-quality electricity supply. We are deeply proud that our expertise has been integrated into ODA projects and is contributing to solving urgent problems in the energy sector. We hope that the new information services will give a fresh impetus for us to internationally contribute to the use of low-carbon energy and open up new commercial services.” |
With the output prediction services for the Sri Lankan entity as a springboard, JWA envisions future meteorological and related information services overseas, in particular in developing countries. We will continue to contribute to more reliable electrical grid operations and energy supply around the world through our proprietary technologies for predicting electricity production from renewable energy sources.
■A simulated chart of solar power and wind power outputs predicted from weather forecast data
■Prediction data service started on Thursday, July 1, 2021
Originally released in Japanese: 2021/08/10
PDF Download : Solar and wind power prediction service started in July for Ceylon Electricity Board, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka